Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bicycling Thoughts

As we settle into our new house, one of the first things to be unpacked was my trusty bicycle. A sage green Trek Allant lovingly nicknamed "Peppermint Patty".

Being closer to both of our jobs makes commuting a breeze. Six miles of cornfields and dirty roads, passing children waiting for their school bus and horses freely munching on grass. It is ideal.

Which got me thinking about biking, in general. No offense to the spandex-wearing speedsters I see all over Ann Arbor- but that just isn't my style. The world opens up to you on a bike. It makes me want to slow down and take it all in. Whether in jeans or a skirt and heels, biking is the perfect ride. 

In a couple weeks, we'll be setting off for our next adventure- biking Old Mission Peninsula in northern Michigan. Wine tastings, eclectic restaurants and amazing views await in this hidden gem of the Great Lakes. So why would we want to speed by it all? We've got two days to enjoy seven wineries and meet the incredible folks who run them. Urban bikes, a trailer for Scout, a tent and sleeping bags... we're really looking forward to this one. And we plan on enjoying every minute of it.

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